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Before we hop into the links, you should know that I write a little bit of everything. Witty criticism, catholic-guilt laced poetry, anti-racist workshop guidelines; we've got it all!

I served as the editor-in-chief of
The Grappler, a student-run community journal during my undergrad. Many of these articles were nurtured and improved by that fantastic community and I strongly encourage you to check out their work. 

The best place to find my current musings is over at

If you're curious about my marketing/social media/copywriting experience, please reach out via my email or contact page. The same goes for creative writing - I'll send you a scanned journal entry any day!


workshops & academic writing

A Poetics of Radical Openness: Developing a Feminist Directing Praxis

Undergraduate capstone - available to read upon request.

Creating Accountability Culture in White American Theatre

(Re)Imagining the Yamas and Niyamas 

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